The Evaluation research, on institutional function aimed to know result of institutional guidance of kelompoktani in
carrying out its function as; 1) learning class, 2) cooperation rides, and 3) production units. The result of descriptive
analysis to the member of kelompoktani in Kecamatan Papar is 21 respondents, the tendency to give an assessment that
the group has run its function as farmer institution according to Permentan No. 82 Year 2013. An overview result of
assessment of kelompoktani in performing its functions as: 1) average learning class obtained value 39,76 which
included in high category, 2) cooperation rides obtained average value is 41,76 which belong to high category, and 3)
production units is 33.71 which included in the high category. Seeing the group functions have been achieved according
to the goals set then the existing programs in the Kecamatan Papar Kabupaten Kediri can continue.